After the battle on the Menin Road, France, 1917

Carte postale ancienne After the battle on the Menin Road, France, 1917

Localisation de la vue

  Street View      Niveau de localisation : France

Texte complet :
After the battle on the Menin Road, France, 1917

Précisions ou commentaires :
English: Photographer: Unidentified

Location: Menin Road, France

Description: Wounded soldiers waiting to be taken to the dressing station. Part of Our Boys at the Front series of postcards, no. 13. From official photographs by special permission of the Department of Defence. Proceeds to the Australian Comforts Fund. (Printing on verso of postcard) The Battle of the Menin Road was the first major Australian involvement in the series of British ‘bite and hold’ attacks which began on 31 July 1917. Collectively these operations are known as ‘The Third Battle of Ypres’. After moving through Ypres, the First and Second Australian Divisions manned the front lines opposite Glencorse Wood. Following a five-day bombardment, the two Australian divisions advanced at 5.40 am on 20 September. They were in the centre of an assault by 11 British divisions along Westhoek Ridge facing Glencorse Wood. Although this battle was finally won by the allies, the Australians sustained 5,000 killed and wounded.
11 November 2009, 09:59:51

Source :
Wikimedia Commons

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